Sunday, November 28, 2010

Damn you, Susan

Susan, why are you the most important person in your life? You have a child, and a guy you supposedly love...? By helping Zach disappear to find his "real father" you are only helping yourself. You have a daughter, and you use her like a pawn, which is just sick.

It appears that you are the most selfish person on TV, which just so happens to be accompanied by a bad actor. Why is your character so god damn annoying! God, I hope that Teri Hatcher actually leaves the show, cause this bitch has got to go!

Gabby, you are just a bitch! How do women let a gold digger stay on TV? You dishonor women everywhere.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I finally watched the season finale of Season 1 (episode 23). What an uneventful finale. I guess it left you full of suspense, but more of a pair of blue balls. It really only half developed the finale, with a sense of ....okay?

My favorite part of the episode had to be when Zach yelled at Susan. He was screaming "Are you really that stupid!?!" I totally agree with you Zach, somebody had to say it. Though you are an under developed character that is further contributed to with bad acting, somebody finally told Susan she is inept!

Out of all of the DH finales I have seen .... this one is the worst. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Desperate Housewives

The unbearable weight of bad TV has forced me to find a global platform. A particular show has bugged me for years, yet I keep watching it! This show has over the top actors, unattractive stars (which are made up to be Helen of Troys), and a bland plot. This show that has irked me for years is none other than the Desperate Housewives.

I began watching this show as a "favor" to my neighbor, Gay. Gay lives through TV, it is what keeps her going. Gay is a follower to whatever new TV show prime-time tells her to watch, hence Desperate Housewives. Because I love my neighbor, who is like a 2nd (some would say 1st) mother, I watch (::shivers::) this show.

I have watched a lot of bad TV, but this show just pisses me off. How in the hell has it lasted so long? I really thought Bree was going to implode, and Lynette die of exhaustion and bad acting. I put up with Gabby, only because she is hot, but Susan takes the cake for the most out of this world character.

I do not remember an episode where Susan Mayer does not cry, or is not in some emotional battle. For one, she is ugly. Really, how is she played up as attractive? Watch the show, examine the billboards, her face is a train wreck! It is like two Chinese acrobats performed an act with her face. And why does she wear lime green pants, a blue shirt, and a something-or-other pink blah on top!?! I am no fashion critic, but whoever dresses her showed be fired, rehired, then fired again.

From here on out I will focus more on an episode-by-episode rant.

Seriously? Photoshop can't even save these hags!